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Kategori Wisata Pantai dan Laut

Kumpulan informasi keindahan tepi laut di Sulawesi Tengah

Kategori Event Wisata

Kumpulan informasi tentang event kegiatan kepariwisataan di Sulawesi Tengah

Kategori Wisata di Danau

Kumpulan Informasi Keindahan Danau di Sulawesi Tengah

Kategori Wisata Air Terjun

Kumpulan informasi keindahan air terjun di Sulawesi Tengah.

Kategori Wisata ke tempat bernilai sejarah

Kumpulan informasi tempat wisata bersejarah di Sulawesi Tengah.

Kategori Jurnal Perjalanan

Kumpulan tulisan tentang perjalanan, dan trekking di Sulawesi Tengah

Showing posts with label Kota Palu. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Kota Palu. Show all posts

Tuesday, June 8, 2021

A Trip to Palu on Central Sulawesi

A Trip to Palu on Central Sulawesi 

Sulawesi, meaning “iron island”, formerly known to Europeans as Celebes, occupying an areal of 174,600 km
2, is the 4th largest island in Indonesia and the 11th in the world. It is situated right on the top of the equator and is mainly covered by vast jungly mountain ranges running out of energy and plunging into the ocean forming an extensive coastline hosting myriads of beaches of divine beauty. It is the 3rd most populous island of Indonesia, maintaining a population of about 17 million people, of whom the majority are Muslims cohabiting with a significant minority of Christians and Animists, who, all together, carry a great diversity of rich and unique cultures and traditions. This place has been exciting my imagination since I first got aware of it existing, and, after all, the time came for me to head thither in adventure-hunting…